PERSON-Centered Caring

PERSON-Centered Caring

  With the many demands placed upon practicing SLPs, it can become so easy to get bogged down with productivity, keeping up with professional development, and the very real burnout of it all. When this happens to me, I try hard to focus on why I went into this...
Do you see what I see (on that MBSS)?

Do you see what I see (on that MBSS)?

  You asked for resources, I’ll give you resources! One question I have received quite a bit in the last year through these emails is some variation of, “Where can I find more swallow studies to look at so I get better at them?” So, this month, I thought I would...
2-4-6-8 how do we AD-VO-CATE?

2-4-6-8 how do we AD-VO-CATE?

  As Demi Lovato says, “What’s wrong with being confident?!” Early in my career, I was told by my supervisor that I “didn’t need so many instrumental swallowing assessments”, and that I “should know most of what the MBSS will show before it even happens” and that...
A New Resource in Swallowing Education

A New Resource in Swallowing Education

  Go back to school from the convenience of home! I don’t know about you, but I just LOVE an easily accessible, high-quality, affordable educational resource. Knowing who to trust when it comes to professional development saves me so much time and mental...
Filling in the gaps in your swallowing knowledge!

Filling in the gaps in your swallowing knowledge!

Last fall, I attended Rocky Mountain University’s “Hard to Swallow: A Catalyst for Change in Dysphagia Management” virtual conference, directed by Dr. Tim Stockdale, SLPD, CCC-SLP. A really and truly fantastic event, I talked about it for DAYS to my colleagues. So...